Holy Spirit Gifts


Question: What are Spiritual Gifts in 1Corinthians 12:7, and how do we know if we have one of these Gifts?


1Corinthians was written and taught in approx. AD 57.  The Holy Spirit’s Gifts were evident, and flowed relatively freely after Acts 1.

When Acts 28:25–28 was reached, Paul under the influence of God’s Spirit, enacted Isa.6:9–10, which made the Jews “Lo-Ammi” (not My people) temporarily!

The priority for the Gospel of Salvation in the Blood of Christ passed to the Gentiles of the world, and to Jews who could see “through the vail” that God had put on to their understanding!

That condition will remain until the enactment of Zech.12:10; when the Jews will regain their “Ammi” status!

Regarding your question, The Holy Spirit does still activate people with His Gifts; but IMO not in the same way as was evident in the Acts period.

A good knowledge of the book of Joel gives good information on this question, prayerfully sought!


Question: Why does the Holy Spirit give us gifts?

They were particularly prominent prior to Acts 28:25-28.

They still show in the population, but not in a prominent form such as shown in early Acts.

They will be prominent again in Revelation, see first Chapter.

The many false teachings and so-called “signs”, are a manifestation of Satan’s whiles, and IMO the sign of the soon end of this Age!

See: The Endowment of Special GIFTS AT PENTECOST, the reason for them, their Cessation and the Consequences of that Cessation


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